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Tech Classes

To register any of these classes, please contact us via email or phone



  Course Course Title Statrt Date End Date Duration Time Cost Age  
  30-101-1 Introduction to HTML Any week upon request Any week upon request 2 days (M-T) or (W-Th) 6:00 pm – 7:30pm $60.00 8 and up  
  20-101-E Introduction to OOP with Java Any week upon request Any week upon request 4 days 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm $150.00 14 and up  
  20-101-WE Introduction to OOP with Java Any week upon request Any week upon request 2 days 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm $150.00 14 and up  
  20-202-E Introduction to SQL (Apache Derby) Any week upon request Any week upon request 4 days 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm $150.00 14 and up  
  20-202-WE Introduction to SQL (Apache Derby) Any week upon request Any week upon request 2 days 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm $150.00 14 and up  
  20-202-WE Introduction to SQL (Apache Derby) Any week upon request Any week upon request 2 days 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm $150.00 14 and up  
  20-203-E Linux Fundamentals Any week upon request Any week upon request 4 days 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm $150.00 14 and up  
  20-203-WE Linux Fundamentals Any week upon request Any week upon request 2 days 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm $150.00 14 and up  

Course 30-101: Introduction to HTML

Course 102 (Children): November 23-27 @ 5:30-6:30pm; December 7-11 @ 5:30-6:30pm

(Any one can attend)


During this five hour course, students will gain knowledge of the following HTML topics:

  • HTML markup language:

    • Basic text formatting (paragraphs, headers, bulleted lists, fonts & colors)

    • Structure of a page (header, footer, body)

    • Adding images to a web page

    • Hyperlinks

    • Adding images to a web page


Additional Information

  • Students need to bring their laptop (if you don't have one, let us know in advance)

  • Students work will be saved on their hard disk for later use

  • Students must be proficient with basic computer operation tasks (able to type and use the mouse to click icons, menu bars, and scroll a window) and basic operation of any editor.

Course 20-101: Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with Java

October 12-16 @ 6:30-8:30pm; November 30-December 3 (4 days)  6-8:30 pm;  December 5-6 (2 days) 1-6 pm;

Age 14 - 99


During this ten hour course, students will learn about Objects, Classes, Inheritance, Interfaces, Packages, and Java Language Basics

Additional Information

  • Students must their laptop (Windows, Mac OS X or Linux) to each day of class.
  • We will help download and set up the software
  • Laptop must have ability to connect remotely to our network

Course 20-202: Introduction to SQL (Structured Query Language) using Apache Derby

October 19-23 @ 6:30-8:30pm Age 14 - 99;  November  21-22 (2 days) 1-6 pm;  November  23-26 (4 days)  6-8:30 pm;  November 28-29 (2 days) 1-6 pm


During this ten hour course, students will be introduced to Structured Query Language (SQL) using Apache Derby.

The SQL topics:

  • Introduction to relational database systems
  • Introduction to Structured Query Language
  • Tables, Columns and Rows
  • Creating tables
  • Selecting data
  • Insert / Delete / Update table records
  • Advanced Queries
  • The Apache Derby database server

Course 20-203: Linux Fundamentals

December 14-17 (4 days)  6-8:30 pm;  December 19-20 (2 days) 1-6 pm;


During this ten hour course, students will learn about Linux Fundamentals.

Additional Information

  • Students must bring a laptop (Windows, Mac OS X or Linux) to each day of class.


  • Linux History

  • Linux Distributions

  • Structure of a Linux Based Operating System

  • Logging into a Linux System

  • The Shell Command Interpreter

  • Files and Directories

  • File permissions/security

  • File Redirection, Named and un-named pipes

  • Other commands


Course 10-101:  Build Your Own PC

September 14-18  @ 5:30-6:30pm Age 12 - 99


During this five hour course, students will learn high-level information about the parts of a PC (including motherboard, memory, CPU, hard drives, optical drives, and expansion cards).  Instructors will assist students with installing components inside the computer case and connecting them.

Additional Information

  • Students must supply a size 1 cross (Philips) head screw driver each day of class.
  • Parts and systems can be purchased from us at a nominal cost.  All orders and payment for parts must be made in full no later than August 17.  Parts are guaranteed to be in working order at the time the class starts.
  • Due to incompatibilities between CPU sockets, memory speeds, and hard drive interconnections  we do not warrant that parts purchased elsewhere are compatible.  If you are unsure, please contact us no later than August 17 for advice so we can order any additional parts that may be required.
  • Due to the sensitive nature and cost of some parts  including CPUs, memory, and motherboards an instructor will install these parts.

Course 10-102/103:  Web Design I

Course 102 (Children):  September 7-11 @ 4:30-6:30pm

Course 103 (Adults):  September 7-11 @ 7:00-9:00pm


During this ten hour course, students will gain knowledge of the following web design topics:

  • HTML markup language:
    • Basic text formatting (paragraphs, headers, bulleted lists, fonts & colors)
    • Table and table formatting
    • Structure of a page (header, footer, body)
    • Adding images to a web page
    • Hyperlinks
    • Basic forms
    • Basic JavaScript
  • Image formats (GIF, JPEG, PNG) and basic manipulation (cropping, scaling)

Adults Only:

  • Structure of a web site (home page, content pages, etc)
  • Uploading a web site to web host via FTP
  • Web hosting concepts and terminology (disk space, bandwidth, platform)
  • Basic usability and accessibility concepts

Additional Information

  • Students will be provided with free software (TBD) for page creation.
  • Students will be provided with temporary web hosting space for the course.  Accounts and work will be removed after the course is complete (a backup can be put on disk/CD for you upon request).
  • Students must be proficient with basic computer operation tasks (able to type and use the mouse to click icons, menu bars, and scroll a window) and basic operation of Microsoft Windows.


Course 10-200:  Web Development with PHP5

September 14-18 @ 7:00-9:00pm  Adults Only


Learn the art of developing dynamic web pages using the open-source PHP scripting language v5.0 from a veteran.  During this twenty hour course, the following topics will be covered:

  • Introduction to Programming , Logic, and Truth Tables (first two days experienced developers may skip)
  • Language Syntax, Variables, Operators, and Constructs
  • Built-In Functions
  • Form Handling
  • Error Handling
  • Web Session Tracking and Handling
  • Databases & SQL
  • User Functions and Methods
  • Object-Oriented Concepts (Classes, Inheritance, Interfaces, and Prototypes)
  • PEAR & PECL repositories for reusable code and extensions

Additional Information

  • Students MUST have prior knowledge of web page design/development using HTML
  • Students MUST have working knowledge of basic algebraic expressions including solving equations (e.g.:  16  = x * 4, solve for x)
  • Prior programming / software development experience helpful, but not required

To register any of these classes, please contact us via email or phone


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